Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ground Beef Tips and Hints

Let me preface this article by telling you I REALLY wanted to title this "hamburger helper"...but I thought it might disappoint a few people by not including the a healthy version of the sinfully delicious dish. I promise, I'll work on that one...

A few days ago, a friend asked me about buying hamburger, and as I explained what to buy, and how to store it, it occured to me that this is exactly the kind of information I would like to blog about, and she agreed. So, this one is for Heather!

When purchasing ground beef. Look for the lowest fat content you can buy. It's very clear on the label, and expressed in percentages. Lean ground beef has fat content that can rival chicken! This doesn't mean that you should eat red meat everyday, but I think we've have been scared away from it.  The leanest hamburger I can find is typically % 96/4.  Meaning it has 4% fat. This version is so lean, I typically add a little oil to the pan when I'm browning it.

Lean ground beef, Press 'n' Seal and Zipper storage bags

When storing ground beef, I've found this simple trick to go a long way. Make Glad Press 'n' Seal and zipper freezer bags your best friends. Typically I cut my ground beef into 1/4 lb chunks, wrap each portion in Press 'n' Seal, throw them in a zipper bag and freeze.

Portion Ground beef into 1/4 lb patties for the freezer

These convient 1/4lb patties thaw quickly and are the perfect portion control. Stay tuned for recipes like Hobos, spaghetti sauce, and hamburgers that include this exact amount of lean ground beef.

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