Sunday, January 1, 2012

Avacado Egg Sandwich

Happy New Year! This year my motto is- Operation 2012: Desire to Inspire! Each month I plan to do something that inspires you to get healthy!! In January, I am participating in the the Food Network's Healthy Every Week Challenge. Each week the Healthy Eats blog, will be posting articles and recipes on a different healthy thing to do. Week 1 is breakfast. So today's recipe is a fun egg sandwich. Healthy avacado, and tomato slices on whole wheat bread with an egg! Easy! But here's the recipe!

Avacado Egg Sandwich

1 whole egg (or 2 egg whites, or egg subsitute)
2 slices of whole grain bread, toasted
1/4 Avacado, sliced
2 slices Ripe Tomato

While bread is toasting, scramble egg in a small bowl. In a small fry pan, cook egg as you would cook an omelete, one small circle, until egg is cooked through. Salt and Pepper to taste.

Place egg, tomato, and avacado on toast, and enjoy!
* if you don't like tomatoes in the winter, try a Tablespoon of salsa instead!

Here's to a Happy HEALTHY 2012!

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