Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 One Word... ACTION!

One Word. This year, instead of a New Year's resolution, try picking just one word to be your focus for the entire year. Last year, my word was Nourish. It was a great word for me, and I definitely did Nourish the year.

But one thing I have discovered about myself, is that I need to do a better job of following through. I talk the talk, but need to walk the walk a little better. I have ideas, dreams and plans, but seem to always save them for another day.  In November, I saw a fun opportunity to apply for a contest with The Chew and Weight Watchers. It required making a video of myself cooking (and the like). I enlisted friends, and made it happen. I never heard back from the contest, but I had so much fun making the video, and actually following through on my announcement that I was going to do it, that it seemed I found my One Word... ACTION. It's time to turn my thoughts into Actions.

We also have to be realistic. It's not possible to act on every thought. But, it is possible to write down, and track these thoughts. So, I've created a journal, to start writing down my ideas, and plans and tick off things as I do them.  Still, there has to be a little more focus, and that is where my one word sign comes into play.  Take a look:

A: The A is made of a tennis shoe string. This symbolizes my want to continue my journey it competing in triathlons. Currently I'm already registered for the Lake Minnetonka Tri in June, but my goals are lofty. I'm turning 40 in 2014, so my big goal is an Olympic Distance Tri. I think I have one picked out!!

C: The C is made of Coins (Pennies). I admit, I'm bad with money. This is the year I take control. Be more responsible.

T: The T is made of yellow lentils (Yellow split peas). Simply, a reminder to eat more plant based. There are no goals here, I have no interest in vegetarianism or anything, just being plant focused.

I: I wrote in the shape of an "I"; West Metro Miracle Athletics. I have thoughts here of growing the program. Adding kickball for the kids, being more proactive, responding more to parents questions.

O: No need to look close- the "O" is my Dandy Life logo swirl. I have big plans for DL this year, including a new video/vlog/blog series, I'm calling "The KitchGym".

N: The N is blank. Nothing. Empty. I reminder to do...nothing. Life is short, make sure you take time to put everything else aside and enjoy your family, friends, pets, whatever.

Tagline: "She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans."  When I saw this quote about the same time I chose ACTION for my word... I knew it was right.

I am pretty excited to see where 2014 brings me! What's your word?!

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