Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tri Training- Week 1 Recap

I haven't been a very good blog poster! I'm going to start trying...again. I say this a lot. :)

My 2nd triathlon is scheduled for June 15th, 2013. June still seems far away this week, even as we turned the page to March, but yesterday (Saturday) marked 15 weeks from race day! I have a lot of work to do.

I'm trying some new things this year. For starters, I've been swimming once a week since probably Thanksgiving (maybe before- I don't remember). A couple of weeks ago, I read an article that said that just swimming laps was relatively pointless, and you should basically be swimming increasingly difficult intervals. I decided to start following that plan. Today was swim #3. Because this swim plan is really geared toward a 1/4 mile swim, and mine is a 1/2 mile swim, I'm doubling the workout. Technically it has me swimming a little less than I was before, but it's definitely more of a workout. Today, I swam 20 laps (50 yds) as fast as I could with a 20 second rest in between laps. I've been using poker chips to count my laps- so that helps. And typically I've been able to go the same pace throughout the whole workout with in about a 4 second variable! I feel good about the workout. And I can really feel it in my shoulders!

Another thing I'm trying is Yoga. The gym I belong to is offering a Saturday morning Yoga Fusion class at 8am. Currently, the timing is perfect. I'm able to get up and do a short interval run before the class. I'm not sure how this will work as we move into warmer weather, and longer runs, when I can run outside. I'm really enjoying the class!

My goal this training session is to remember to continue to stretch everyday AND lift weights twice a week. I guess you could say, I'm approaching this triathlon a lot different than I did last year. I think I signed up with about 10 weeks to train last year. I was out of shape and it was a big goal. I definitely have more confidence going into it this year!

In closing, week one went really well! I got all of my workouts in pretty easily. I am struggling a little with my knee, but it's a post-workout soreness, and not affecting my actual workouts. This upcoming week, I am hoping/planning to do a 3 week detox cleanse. Honestly, I doubt that I will make it through 3 weeks, but I'm looking forward to trying!

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